
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Matter Flaps and Foldables

Hunter has recently completed a couple of very cool projects to review his study of matter:

This flip-flap book from Simply Skilled in Second was a lot of fun, and a fantastic way to review the three states of matter that we've studied so far!  It's recommended for grades 2-5.

Here's a look at the completed book.  

Underneath each flap there's space for information.  This flap asks "What is matter?" and "What are the three states of matter?"  (I asked Hunter if he remembered how many states of matter there are, and he promptly answered "five".  I was surprised considering we only went over this once, quite a long time ago!)

This flap has an awesome flask on which to label the states of matter.

On this flap, Hunter wrote about the properties of a gas and drew four examples, as well as illustrations of the particles in a solid, a liquid, and a gas.

Here he wrote about the properties of a liquid and drew examples, and also an explanation and illustration of how a liquid can change it state.

On the final page, he did the same for solids.  

I loved this resource.  Not only is it an impressive-looking finished product that my son is very proud of, it's packed with great information and opportunities for Hunter to really show what he knows.  (Check it out here!)

Another great activity he completed was this States of Matter lapbook from Lita Lita:

I liked that it shows so clearly how one state of matter can change to another, and reviews the associated vocabulary.  It really helped Hunter commit some of the tougher words to memory.

Each miniature flap book opens up into thirds.  Underneath the first flap are an example of a solid, liquid, or gas, and a place for the child to illustrate the particles.

Underneath that flap are some notes about the properties, and another example.

This product came with options to differentiate and make it a little more challenging, as well as a Spanish version!  Take a look!